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Strangely (does) Stupid! (things for money): An Evening that was Anything but Perfunctory


Last Thursday, Grant Evan Knutson of Minion Productions brought together a rambunctious group of artists and audience members in support of Rogue Festival staple and beloved rock-accordionist, Strangely. He’s going on a Norwegian adventure soon, so the evening’s games and performances grew in their wildness and stupidity as the amount of donations increased! The crowd was treated to five amazing talents: Shane “Scurvy” Spears with spoken word; Tim Mannix with magic and comedy; Nate Butler tickling the keys and singing; and Felina Bella giving her best burlesque, all in addition to Strangely providing his own readings and tunes. Yes it was crazy, yes it was loud, and yes it was exactly what one would expect when a bunch of artists and lovers of artists come together in the spirit of support.

(Strangely (The Evening's Artist of Honor); Photo credit: Marc Gonzalez)

Loosely based on Knutson’s annual Fringe Factor: Live Game Show, challenges were implemented based on the amount of money raised during one of the above mentioned performances. I, for one, found Strangely’s commitment to shaving his head as my favorite stupid thing he did for money. However, Lori Williams was among the top donors in a few rounds, so she was treated to improvised spoken word by Scurvy and Strangely. In a later round, Strangely had the freezing pleasure of donning multiple items of clothing which had been in a cooler for hours. Among other highlights and shenanigans, the evening concluded with the staff and talent engaging in group burlesque alongside Bella.

(L to R: Nate Butler (Keyboard/Vocals); Grant Evan Knutson (Producer/Host); Strangely (The Evening's Artist of Honor); A Elizabeth Neal (Co-Host); Photo credit: Marc Gonzalez)

Now, just because the event has passed doesn’t mean Strangely and the supporting cast of artists and producers can’t accept more support. After all, these artists are giving their heart and soul, their blood, sweat, and tears to us audience members; the least we can do is support them with our patronage and payments! Below is the info collected to keep abreast of upcoming performances by the above-mentioned artists and/or how you can support them financially. Raising money for art and artists is anything but a stupid endeavor so give what you can and I can’t wait to see these artists continue gifting audiences with their talent.

At the time of publishing, Strangely has raised approximately $1500 with a donor who is matching any funds he receives, so every dollar he receives will be doubled by the time he leaves for his trip.

To support Strangely: Venmo-IAmStrangely; PayPal-IAmStrangely

To support/follow Grant Evan Knutson/Minion Productions:

To support/follow Shane “Scurvy” Spears:

To support/follow Nate Butler:

To support Tim Mannix:

To support/follow Felina Bella: follow on Facebook by searching “Felina Bella”

To support/follow the LAByrinth Art Collective venue: Like them of Facebook by searching “The LAByrinth Art Collective” and on Instagram at @labyrinthartca

(Me and Strangely (The Evening's Artist of Honor); selfie by Me)

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