This week serves as the start of my first month into my third year of teaching. Time sure does fly. I feel like it was just yesterday I was beginning my Intro to Teaching course. After the past few years of student teaching, credential studies, and beginning my classroom teaching career, a few musings have emerged from my mind. Experiences, observations, hearings-of, you know, the typical. Following suit with why I began my theatre review blog, “The Road to 1,000,” I am launching a website simply because I enjoy writing and discussing my thoughts. So, instead of forcing all my busy colleagues and friends to meet up and chat, I’m doing this.
If you are interested in the following: a third-year Theatre teacher posting about some pedagogical tactics he’s using; reviews/recommendations of podcasts, books, and articles created by pedagogical leaders he listens to/reads/consumes; the continuing of my theatre review blog; or you’re just a fan of whatever I may have to say (really? I’m honored!) then bookmark this website.
I won’t inundate your feeds with tons of content; I’m busy, I’m a teacher! You’re busy, with whatever it is you’re doing! I get it. Once-a-month, on the first Tuesday of the month, will be the frequency of my pedagogical posts. I will be honoring the bigger holiday breaks though, as we all should. Theatre reviews will be posted as I see shows, and with the re-opening of theaters, that will certainly pick up, thank goodness! For those who have been followers of my theatre review blog on the good ‘ole Tumblr: that link will remain available with all reviews on that platform being accessible. Going forward, though, reviews will be posted on this website under the “The Road to 1,000” page.
Important to Note: I am a third-year Theatre teacher, so my words are based on my consumption of content, how it’s worked in my theatre classroom, and how it might help you. I am in no way an expert or authority on the subject of pedagogy or theatre, and I do not claim to be. My theatre reviews are rooted with the belief that we should be championing theatre, even if the production is not our “cup of tea.” This website is not a place where I will trash other schools, educators, theater companies, etc. It is here to encourage dialogue, promote the positives, and bring to light areas for improvement.
That’s about it. The website is at a basic level right now, so as I go through the school year, I will continue to enhance the features of the site. But for now, it’s a hub for a Pop of Pedagogy, The Road to 1,000, what’s going on with me theatrically, and a section to Contact Me. If you read something of mine, feel free to share it! If you read something of mine, feel free to reach out to me via email/contact page, or on Twitter. Thanks for taking the time to read this introduction. I invite you to peruse the different pages of the site and stay tuned for the first round of posts in the coming weeks.
If you’re a thespian, break a leg! If you’re an educator, then I wish you a rockin’ school year! If you’re both, like me, then let’s create, teach, and make this world a better place tomorrow than it was yesterday.